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Dirt is the single most Earth-like tendril, as one might expect from the name. It is one of the few places one can find actual soil on Actinara, and is an incredibly biologically diverse place. Flaura and fauna spawn everywhere, giving rise to a great number of ecosystems and areas such as jungles, forests, plains, and even deserts, though that last one tends to be small in comparison to the sheer scale of the place.

Dirt is the tendril where humans first originated or appeared on Actinara, and as such has developed into a sort of medieval fantasy world complete with all sorts of monsters and creatures present in fiction and mythology, though some expectations may be flipped. For example, dragons are not necessarily the top of the food chain. Sure, one of the creatures at the top is a type of dragon, but it isn't the only type of dragon that exists. There are garden dragons that can be kept as housepets, or dragons used in place of mules thanks to their ability to fly (though Griffons are often used as well). Both magic and chi are present too. As such, thanks to that and the presence of such a biodiverse landscape, it was only natural for the profession of adventurer to appear...

Thus, the stage is set for whomever may wish to take a starring role...